Main Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease

The late awareness of the Alzheimer’s disease’s early stage symptoms can lead to worse condition more quickly. Therefore, although there is no cure for the disease, it is advisable to get medication as fast as possible when the symptoms appear. Early medication is able to help reduce the symptoms temporarily or slow its progression.

Here are the main treatments available for Alzheimer’s disease:

  1. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Inhibitors

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors medicine is used to escalate the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine is a substance that works to ease communication between nerve cells. You can get prescription of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors from neurologists or psychiatrists only.

The example of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) medicines are rivastigmine, donepezil and galantamine. These medicines are given to people who are in the mild to Alzheimer’s disease. In some condition, these medicines also prescribed by specialists for severe stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Some people may experience side effects from consuming this medicine. Common side effects are vomiting, nausea or loss of appetite. If the side effects don’t get better in 2 weeks, you should consult with the specialists.

  1. Memantine

Memantine is used to block the effect of glutamate in the brain cells, which can moderate the severe symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Glutamate is chemical substance that has so many receptors in the brain cell. The excessive amount of glutamate can increase the activity of receptors in the brain cells which lead to fatality of brain cells.

cognitive decline worsens with memantine
cognitive decline worsens with memantine

Memantine is prescribed for people who cannot tolerate AChE inhibitors. Sometimes, specialists also prescribed memantine for Alzheimer’s disease patients who have severe symptoms and already take AChE inhibitors. In several cases, memantine can cause temporary side effects such as constipation, headaches and dizziness.

  1. Medications for Challenging Behavior

Many Alzheimer’s disease patients develop the condition which is known as BPSD (behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia). People with BPSD show symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, increased agitation, delusions, wandering and hallucinations. These challenging behaviors are very distressing for the patients and their care takers.

In order to treat BPSD, psychiatrists may prescribe medicine such as haloperidol, risperidone, or antipsychotic medicines. These medications are prescribed for people who show extreme distress and persistent aggression. Since risperidone can cause harm and serious side effects, it only prescribes with the lowest dose possible.

If anxiety is caused by depression, specialists may prescribe antidepressants. In certain condition where other treatments don’t help, haloperidol is prescribed by consultant psychiatrist.

  1. Therapies

The usage of medicines, treatments such as therapies can also be given to help reduce the symptoms. Cognitive stimulation therapy and cognitive rehabilitation are several type of therapies that are given to help people with Alzheimer’s disease in improving memory and cognitive abilities.

To help people with Alzheimer’s disease remember their past life, reminiscence and life story work therapy can be given by trained professional and care taker. This therapy involves activities of talking or seeing things that can help people remember their life. It involves compilation of photos, notes or music collections. Research shows that this activity can help in improving mood.


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Kasino Kota Atlantik

New Jersey, juga biasa sebagai Garden State, terletak di pesisir timur Amerika Serikat. Ibukotanya terletak di Trenton. Ini adalah negeri bagian terkecil dan terpadat keempat. Disebut berdasarkan Daratan Jersey dalam Selat Inggris, pulau ini dihuni oleh Belanda pada awal tahun 1600-an. Pendapatan per kapita New Jersey adalah yang tertinggi dalam negara itu. Sembilan daripada kabupatennya dikategorikan dalam 100 kabupaten terkaya di negeri ini. Produk pertanian utama New Jersey adalah kuda, sayuran, buah-buahan dan kacang-kacangan dan dikenal dengan cranberry dan blueberry-nya. Hammonton, dalam bagian selatan negara potongan ini dianggap sebagai ibu kota blueberry dunia.

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Negeri bagian Arkansas adalah negara bagian Daksina dengan populasi hampir 3 juta jiwa. Ibu kota Arkansas ialah Little Rock, tempat salah satu kasino Arkansas berada. Negeri bagian Arkansas adalah satu-satunya negara bagian AS yang memiliki pengucapan resmi (ar-kan-SAW), dan tunggal negara bagian di mana berlian terlihat secara wajar. Jumlah kasino Arkansas tidak banyak, namun pengunjung Arkansas dapat menemukan aksi perjudian di kaum tempat yang terletak di seluruh negara bagian.

Satu diantara kasino Arkansas yang populer adalah Kasino Cherokee dalam Siloam Springs. Kasino seluas 50. 000 kaki empat persegi ini buka 24 jam sehari & memiliki restoran serta kafe dengan musik live. Kasino Arkansas itu menawarkan 813 mesin permainan elektronik dan lebih daripada 40 meja untuk permainan kartu, roulette, dadu, dan banyak lagi—termasuk 19 meja poker. Satu diantara fitur menarik dari Cherokee Casino adalah mereka menawarkan permainan poker yang dimainkan melawan pemain lain, bukan melawan rumah. Kasino Cherokee adalah kasino Arkansas yang layak untuk dicoba.

Kasino Arkansas lainnya, yang terletak di Holiday Island, adalah Spinzz Casino. Kasino Arkansas ini ditutup karena perselisihan hukum perjudian tetapi baru-baru ini dibuka kembali untuk bisnis. Karet tamu yang mengunjungi Spinzz Casino bisa menginap di Spinzz Casino Hotel terdekat agar dekat dengan inti keramaian.

Meskipun tidak banyak kasino di Arkansas, tersedia kota dengan sejarah kasino yang mampu, yang juga merupakan kampung halaman masa kecil mantan Presiden Clinton. Sumber Larutan Panas, Arkansas, selain terkenal karena mata air mineral alaminya yang bersuhu 140 derajat, adalah salah satu " kota dosa" asli di Amerika. Kota ini adalah tempat pertemuan para gangster, namun kiranya baku tembak dan pertikaian, keluarga kriminal seperti Nittis dan Capone akan datang ke Sumber Air Gawat untuk duduk dan mengobrol. Kasino Arkansas yang bersejarah merajalela dalam Hot Springs, dan walaupun disebut " ilegal", warga kota bersikeras bahwa kasino tersebut indah untuk bisnis. Pada puncaknya, Sumber Air Panas berfungsi sebagai Mekah untuk perjudian dan wisatawan berbondong-bondong mengunjungi kasino-kasino Arkansas yang berwarna-warni yang berjejer di jalanannya.

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Kasino Arizona

Kasino Arizona terletak di “lembah matahari”, dalam bagian Barat Daya Amerika Serikat. Arizona terkenal dengan iklim dan pemandangannya yang menakjubkan; dari gurun hingga pegunungan, pemandangannya sangat beraneka ragam dan indah. Populasi Arizona lebih daripada 5. 000. 000 jiwa, dan ibu kota dan kota terbesarnya adalah Phoenix, dengan warga lebih dari 1. 400. 000 jiwa.

Kasino Arizona dilegalkan bertolak pada reservasi orang2 India atau penduduk asli Amerika pada tahun 1990-an, dan suku-suku tersebut diberi “jatah slot” untuk banyak mesin slot yang diperbolehkan di di setiap kasino. Tersedia 15 kota, dengan kasino Arizona, dijalankan oleh bervariasi suku Indian. Usia minimum untuk berjudi di kasino Arizona ialah 21 tahun, dan sebagian besar kasino ini buka selama 24 jam. Resor Kasino Phoenix Ak-Chin Harrah, di Maricopa, buka 24 jam & memiliki ruang perjudian seluas 40. 000 kaki persegi, dengan 950 slot, & delapan permainan meja. Casino Arizona, dalam Scottsdale, buka 24 jam, dengan luas 30. 000 kaki empat persegi, 500 slot, dan 36 permainan meja; dan Paradise Casino, di Yuma, mempunyai luas 30. 000 kaki persegi, 750 slot, & 15 permainan meja.

Kasino terbesar di Arizona, Casino Del Sol, terletak di Tucson dan buka 24 jam. Kasino seluas 240. 000 kaki persegi ini memiliki 1. 000 slot, 20 permainan meja, dan enam restoran. Salah satu kasino Arizona yang lebih besar lainnya ialah Desert Diamond Casino dalam Sahurita, dengan area perjudian seluas 185. 000 kaki persegi, 498 slot, 15 permainan meja, dan empat restoran. Desert Diamond Casino buka dari Senin hingga Jumat, mulai pukul 09. 00 hingga 16. 00, dan 24 jam pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu. Ada kaum kasino besar Arizona yang lain, termasuk Kasino Cliff Castle di Camp Verde, dengan luas 140. 000 kaki persegi, 575 slot, & sepuluh permainan meja; dan Kasino Sungai Gila – Vee Quiva di Laveen, dengan luas 89. 000 kaki persegi, 675 slot, dan sepuluh permainan meja.

Selain tersebut, Blue Water Resort and Casino di Sungai Colorado di Parker, Arizona, menawarkan blackjack & poker, dan slot, bingo, dan keno. Salah satu kasino Arizona yang paling ternama adalah Kasino Fort McDowell di Fountain Hills, secara turnamen poker tanpa batas setiap hari, layanan makanan di meja makan 24 jam, & jackpot poker tertinggi di Arizona. Kaum kasino Arizona yang lebih kecil dikategorikan Yavapi dalam Prescott, dengan luas 6. 000 kaki persegi, 250 slot, & delapan permainan meja; & Kasino Spirit Mountain di Mojave, secara luas 9. 500 kaki persegi & 260 slot.

Kasino Arizona menawarkan hiburan luar biasa dan perjudian tanpa henti dalam gaya Las Vegas sejati. agar bisa main judi di indonesia, gunacanlah casino kamboja dengan mungunjungi situs ini Hokiku88


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Pengalaman Gratis yang Seru di Hokijoss

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Bila Anda ingin meningkatkan kepandaian Anda dalam permainan Star Girl gratis, Anda bisa memilih untuk membeli sifat berbayar yang tersedia. Fitur-fitur ini dapat memberikan keuntungan tambahan seperti akses di pakaian eksklusif, akses ke lokasi tersembunyi, atau terutama keuntungan dalam kompetisi. Akan tetapi, fitur berbayar tidak tetap digunakan dan Anda tetap dapat menikmati permainan secara penuh tanpa harus membelinya. Keputusan untuk membeli sifat berbayar sepenuhnya terserah menurut Anda.
Menikmati Mode Virtual Tanpa Batasan

Dengan Star Girl gratis yang ditemui di Hokijoss, Anda siap menikmati mode virtual tanpa batasan waktu. Anda siap memainkan permainan ini masa saja dan di mana saja sesuai dengan khayalan Anda. Nikmati pengalaman merupakan karakter, berbelanja pakaian, & mengikuti kompetisi tanpa kudu khawatir dengan batasan saat. Dengan demikian, Anda bisa menyesuaikan permainan dengan kesibukan dan kebutuhan Anda.

Dalam kesimpulan, permainan Star Girl gratis adalah opsi sempurna bagi wanita modern berusia 20-50 tahun yang ingin memasuki dunia mode virtual yang seru dan mengasyikkan. Dengan pilihan watak yang luas, berbagai permusuhan kecantikan dan fashion, dan kesempatan untuk berinteraksi beserta teman-teman virtual, permainan ini akan memenuhi kebutuhan Dikau dalam menciptakan pengalaman praktik yang unik dan berpijak. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Unduh permainan Star Girl percuma sekarang dan mulailah penjelajahan mode Anda!


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Hokiku88 ialah situs judi online terkemuka untuk para pecinta betting yang mencari pengalaman bertarung yang menarik dan menguntungkan. Dengan kemudahan dalam berbuat deposit menggunakan Ewallet, berbagai permainan berkualitas, jackpot menarik, dan layanan pelanggan yang ramah, Hokiku88 benar-benar menyenangkan pemainnya. Bergabunglah dengan Hokiku88 sekarang dan jadilah potongan dari komunitas yang sukses meraih kemenangan besar pada setiap hari.

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jangan mengabaikan kesempatan yang Hokiku88 tawarkan. Lekas buka akun Anda & nikmati berbagai keuntungan yang kami sebutkan di bagi. Ingat, Hokiku88 adalah website resmi judi online terkenal, sehingga Anda dapat bermain dengan keyakinan dan tenang.

Jadi, jangan ragu lagi. Buka akun Hokiku88 Dikau sekarang dan siapkan diri Anda untuk petualangan judi online yang seru. Kami sangat yakin bahwa Anda akan menikmati setiap detiknya di situs resmi betting online terbaik ini. Jadilah bagian dari komunitas Hokiku88 dan raih kemenangan besar Anda hari ini!

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FAQ tentang Hokiku88

Untuk membantu Anda kian memahami Hokiku88, berikut kurang lebih pertanyaan umum yang sering diajukan oleh pemain:
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Ya, Hokiku88 adalah situs resmi judi online yang aman dan diatur. Kami mempergunakan teknologi enkripsi tinggi untuk melindungi data pribadi Dikau dan memastikan keadilan di permainan.
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Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai metode pembayaran, termasuk Ewallet diantaranya OVO, GoPay, Dana, serta bank transfer. Kami berwarung memberikan kemudahan dalam hal deposit dan penarikan.
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Tim dukungan pelanggan Hokiku88 siap membantu Kamu 24/7. Para pemain mampu mencari bantuan dengan bertamu kami melalui live chat maupun sosial media yang sudah kami sediakan di menu utama website Hokiku88. Kami akan dengan suka hati memberikan bantuan pada waktu singkat.
4. Apakah ada batasan umur untuk bermain di Hokiku88?

Sungguh, Anda harus berusia setidaknya 18 tahun untuk tampil di Hokiku88. Kami sangat menjunjung tinggi prinsip betting yang bertanggung jawab.
5. Apakah Hokiku88 menawarkan sajian live?

Tentu saja! Hokiku88 memiliki permainan live secara dealer sungguhan yang hendak memberikan Anda pengalaman berjudi yang lebih interaktif dan menarik. Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan dealer dan tokoh lain dalam waktu tampak.

Some basic advice on How to Take Care of a Dog
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

Some basic advice on How to Take Care of a Dog

If you plan to keep dogs to be your pet, you should have a huge commitment and responsibilities. There are multiple aspects you should consider taking care of them.

Whether it is your first four-legged mate or your 14th, make sure you are on the right path in caring for them. The following are a compilation of some important things about how to take care of dogs.

Some basic advice on How to Take Care of a Dog
Some basic advice on How to Take Care of a Dog


As a pet, your dogs require a shelter with a clean, safe, and comfortable environment. This shelter should fulfill their behavioral and physiological needs. It includes having a path to the outdoor backyard area.

When you build a dog shelter, you should consider protecting against extreme weather. It must be safe from the extreme weather. Prepare a well-built, weatherproof, well-furnished kennel. Besides, you have to make sure the warmth of their blanket and the cleanliness of their bedding.

You may decide if your dog indicates that they want to sleep inside. However, you have to make sure that you don’t leave your dog with children unsupervised.


Nutrition also takes an important role. Dogs need a properly balanced diet that is fit for their necessities. You should consider their size, age, as well as any health conditions.

Choose a commercial food with high-quality nutrition. Additionally, you can offer natural foods to balance the diet. Natural foods contain raw meat, fruits, and veggies. You have to be sure about your dogs that will have enough quantity of clean water.

Some basic advice on How to Take Care of a Dog
Some basic advice on How to Take Care of a Dog

Training, Exercise, and Play

It is essential to socialize and train your dog. The owner should be proactive in this step. For puppies, aged 3-17 weeks is a critical socialization period.

You can take your puppies to meet with the puppies or dogs of your friends or family. Ensure that they are friendly. These training methods should be on positive support. Don’t use physical punishment or aversion therapy in this training.

Additionally, your dogs need regular exercise minimum once a day. You can form an exercise that includes walks, runs, and plays. This activity should be under the supervision and control of the owner.

Remember not to exercise your dogs immediately before or after eating. It can cause problems such as bloat.

Bathing and Grooming

Regular grooming is essential for your dogs especially if you have long-haired breeds. You had better set this habit earlier.

By grooming, your dogs are free from dust, grass seeds, dead skin, loose hairs, and tangles. It reduces the amount of fur shed too.

Bath your dogs regularly using their prepared shampoo. Bathing helps to control fleas.

Veterinary care

Aside from the above mentioned, your dogs need seasonal visits to the vet. It is necessary for vaccinations, boosters, and general health checks as well.

You can consult with the vet and asking for their advice too. You can ask for a solution about how to remove flea, tick, or worm prevention.

Best Dogs for Kids and Families
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

Best Dogs for Kids and Families

Dogs are man’s best friends. They are the closest companions to a human being. It is not only as a pet, but they also serve as protectors, helpers, lifesaver, and companions.

If you have children and you would like to choose a dog, you should consider several judi online things. You find a dog with a calm temperament and manageable energy level.

Herewith the dogs that are best for kids and families.

Best Dogs for Kids and Families
Best Dogs for Kids and Families

Golden Retriever

This dog has a confident, smart, and kind character. Moreover, they are a loyal dog and very patient. Those make them suitable for children.

You don’t need to give them a lot of exercises. They enjoy playing as well. If you ask them to play frisbees, they would love to do it.

Golden Retriever is a fun-loving dog. Your children will be falling in love with their obedience and affectionate personality. They should have proper care for their golden coats.

Best Dogs for Kids and Families
Best Dogs for Kids and Families

Labrador Retriever

It is one of the most popular dog breeds for families. They are loving, protective, patient, and reliable. Moreover, they are smart and easy to train.

If you choose this dog, you should prepare a lot of exercises. They are love to swim. Make sure that your families are ready for this too.

They are a mingle able dog as it is simple for them to get along with other people or even animals. Their obedience character makes them favorite.



This kind of dog is famous for its distinctive haircuts. Their characters are smart, caring, loyal, and gentle. They are elegant and seldom annoyed or bored.

It has a varied size. You can choose the tiny or the standard one. If you have children who have an allergy, you don’t need to worry. They shed very little.

Although they are smart, obedient, and playful, they often shy with a foreigner. A poodle is friendly with people that they already know.


Irish Setter

This dog has a playful and energetic personality. They love to play with children and loves to mingle with people. Their red coat makes them unforgettable.

You should form lots of exercises if you choose this dog. Their energetic character match with a dynamic kid.

Irish Shetter is recommended for people who have a yard as they are smart and trainable companion. They will greet new people who came to your house.



The Bulldog will act affectionately towards children. Their personalities are a friendly, docile, patient, and loyal dog. However, this dog is far away from the most energetic dog.

The Bulldog will get along very well with other pets too. They don’t require a specific space. Due to its smaller size, you will see that these dogs are satisfied living in big houses or small apartments.

If you are a busy and social family, you are advised to keep this dog. They are welcome with outside visitors as well as other pets. However, you should take more care of teeth cleaning.

The Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

The Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know

Are you planning to adopt a dog? Is it your first time adopting a dog? Do you think of how to train them? Aside from giving a portion of good food and socialization, your dog requires basic training as well.

In the beginning, dog training might seem pretty overwhelming. It is essential and becomes an important project.

Before you start with the training, the following are the lists of dogs basic commands you should know.

The Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know
The Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know
  1. Sit

It is the primary command and the first command you will teach to your dog. This command is the easiest to teach. By learning this command, your dog will show you how their response to training.

You can begin by putting a treat near his nose. Then, slowly raising the treat away at a point. You will see that he will lower their thigh until he is in the seated posture.

You can say “sit” to him and give him a treat as a reward. Repeat this training until he understands this command.


  1. Down

This command is simple but practical. You can say “down” to ask dogs for laying down. It is a useful command for all dogs, mainly for species of large dogs.

It is a more challenging command to train. You can start by placing a delicious-smelling treat in a folded fist. Let your dog sniff the smell. Next, move your fist to the ground the same as your dog comes to the ground. Once a dog passes this training, you can say the command.


  1. Stay

This command is also important. It is useful for a dog when he is outside or off-leash. After you train him with the sit command, you can prepare this command.

Doing this, it needs a little effort. You don’t need to worry because it takes a while for a dog to understand it. You can start with a few steps. Don’t forget to reward him with a treat when they master this skill.

The Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know
The Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know
  1. Come

It is another essential command. Teaching your dog with this command is a priority for you as a dog owner. So, your dog will respond whenever you call him.

Let start this training by putting your dog at a distance. While holding a treat, say “come” command to call a dog towards you. Remember to guide him to come in your direction. If they arrive, you can acknowledge their brilliance by feeding them the treat.


  1. Leave it. 

A curios dog will try to find attracting objects wherever he goes hokijoss. Thus, this command can save your dog from his curiosity. You can teach him to leave any treasure that he gets.

You can begin the learning by keeping a treat in both hands. You can put your hands closer to his face and ask him to smell it. At first, your dog will sniff and even lick it. He might be barking as well. However, he might lose his interest in the object too.

It is Possible to Keep Wild Cats as Your Pets in Your House
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

It is Possible to Keep Wild Cats as Your Pets in Your House

Is it possible to keep wild cats as pets in our house?

You will be able to answer this question after getting to know about a cat breed named Serval Cat. The Serval, or which has the Latin name Leptailurus serval, is a native wild cat from Africa. The main habitat of this cat is in savanna, but some of them are often seen in the mountains.

When you see this cat, you will think that it is a leopard. This is because the color of the fur which is golden and the fur pattern is very similar to a leopard. But of course the size is different. Serval cats have a body of medium size, it is very different from leopards. This breed of cat has a leg length of 60-92cm, a size that is very suitable for the size of the feet of a predatory cat. This is also due to the metatarsus bone located in their legs. Female serval cats have a weight that tends to be lighter than the males, namely 7-12 kg while male serval cats weigh 9-18 kg. The unique thing about this cat is that it can move its ears 180 degrees separately.

It is Possible to Keep Wild Cats as Your Pets in Your House
It is Possible to Keep Wild Cats as Your Pets in Your House

Like other cats in general

Serval cats also have several striking characteristics. As a wild cat, of course, this cat is very active and has unpredictable behavior. With these characteristics, you have to be prepared with some of the needs they require if you really want to keep this cat as pets in your house. First, you have to buy this cat with an expensive price, because you have to adopt this cat directly from Africa. Second, when you have succeeded in bringing the cat to your house, you must provide a cage.

The cage for serval is not the same as the cage used for other cats in general. As has been said before, as a wild cat, of course this cat’s wild instinct is still attached to it, they will  run and climb anything near them for sure. The solution to this matter is that you need to provide a cage that resembles its natural habitat. A good cage for a Serval cat should have grass, trees, a water source or a pond. This will be useful so that the Serval cat feels that their cage is their natural habitat. It is not advisable to lock a Serval cat indoors as this will limit its movement space. You also need to be careful with your household furniture because at any time the strong fangs and claws of this cat will damage your home furniture. Prepare a special budget from dadu online to provide the best food for this cat.

It is Possible to Keep Wild Cats as Your Pets in Your House
It is Possible to Keep Wild Cats as Your Pets in Your House

Different from domestic cats that you can feed canned cat food, Serval cats need raw food such as duck, chicken, or fish as their meal. You will have to give this raw food 2 times a day.

Munchkin Cat: The Tiny and Friendly Cats as Your Pets
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

Munchkin Cat: The Tiny and Friendly Cats as Your Pets

Most people do not know what benefits we can get if we have pets at our house. The existence of a pet will increase your affection. It will give more benefits for couples who already have children, keeping pets will make your children to pay more attention to their surroundings. The most common pets that you can keep in your house are cats. It seems that almost everyone in this world has had a cat at least once in their lifetime. The type of cat that is kept as pets will certainly be different, but of course you have heard of Munchkin Cat before. Munchkin cat is one of the cats that is widely used as a pet.

Munchkin Cat: The Tiny and Friendly Cats as Your Pets
Munchkin Cat: The Tiny and Friendly Cats as Your Pets

Just by the name

we all know that Munchkin cat is a unique cat breed. The uniqueness of this cat lies in its short posture, this is because the size of this cat’s legs is much smaller than other cats in general. Often, these cats are called midget cats. Many people also call them kittens because of their small size.

The cute and tiny body of a Munchkin cat makes this cat to be one of the high demand cats on the market. Even though they are small and have short legs, cats are still cats. The munchkin cat is a playful cat. With a body weight that can reach 3 to 4 kg, they can still jump, run, or even climb. Their foot size doesn’t matter. If you want your munchkin cat to be a smart cat, you can train it. This breed of cat is very easy to train and also easy to get along with.

Regarding the short legs of the Munchkin cat, this condition occurs naturally through a genetic mutase. This gene makes the Munchkin cat’s hind legs slightly longer than its front legs. This also happens to corgis and dachshunds. There was some controversy surrounding the Munchkin cat’s legs, which made his body look bent. Many people say this will give the Munchkin cat problems with its spine. But then, this is refuted because in fact this cat does not have physical health problems. Munchkin cats still live their lives normally.

Munchkin Cat: The Tiny and Friendly Cats as Your Pets
Munchkin Cat: The Tiny and Friendly Cats as Your Pets

Know that when we decide to get a cat

we must also be ready to take care of it. For munchkin cats, the care needed is actually not much different from other cat care methods. The most crucial thing in caring for a cat is the choice of food. We really need to pay attention to the nutrition of the cat food. Munchkin cats require 20% carbohydrates, 45% protein and 35% fat which you can get in special cat food. Meanwhile, for the care of its hair, you can bathe your cat every 2 weeks using a special shampoo. It is also useful for your cat to avoid skin diseases and fleas. You can also take your cat to the pet shop for better care by doing grooming. If you have done some of the above things well, then you will have a healthy cat. Don’t forget to always monitor your cat’s health.

Its Not A Cat with A Skin Condition, Its A Sphynx Cat!
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

Its Not A Cat with A Skin Condition, Its A Sphynx Cat!

Have you ever seen a cat that has no hair? Its wrinkled skin is clearly exposed? If you’ve ever seen one, it’s a sphynx cat! You will think the cat is having a skin disease or something like that, but in reality, it is not, the Sphynx cat is a breed of cat whose fur doesn’t grow at all. Actually, there are thin hairs that grow on the cat’s body, but the amount of the fur is very rare. If you observe, the sphynx cat’s body parts such as the legs, tail, and ears will be overgrown with these thin hairs.

With its hairless body condition, Sphynx cats have an oily skin type. The skin color is also different from one cat to the other, some are pink, brown or even gray. The oil contained in the skin is what causes this cat better be bathed frequently. Normally, cats are bathed once a month, but sphynx cats should be bathed every one to three weeks to keep their bodies clean.

Its Not A Cat with A Skin Condition, Its A Sphynx Cat!
Its Not A Cat with A Skin Condition, Its A Sphynx Cat!

Hearing the name Sphynx

you will think this cat came from Egypt. But you guess it wrong. Sphynx cat comes from Canada, although its name is taken from the Sphynx statue that we can find in Egypt. The sphynx cat’s skin, which is very rarely covered in hair, is the result of genetic condition. It started when a pair of short-haired cats gave birth to their furless cubs. Initially, the kitten was classified as having a genetic disorder and its breeding was stopped. But the birth of kittens with the same condition happened again.

The uniqueness of the Sphynx cat lies not only in its hairless skin, but it is also evident in the cat’s face and the ear shape. This cat’s face looks grim. While the shape of the ears is wide and longer than other cats in general. Additionally, the Sphynx cat has wide eyes. Even though their face has an expression that always shows their pride, a lot of cat lovers keep this cat as pets in their house.

Its Not A Cat with A Skin Condition, Its A Sphynx Cat!
Its Not A Cat with A Skin Condition, Its A Sphynx Cat!

The Sphynx cat is one of those friendly and attention-seeking cats. This trait makes it very easy to get along with humans and other animals. In fact, if you have a dog, you can also keep a sphynx cat at the same time. This cat will also actively play, so it is perfect for those of you who are looking for a reference for what pet you should have.


when you decide to have a sphynx cat, then you have to be prepared for its clingy nature. This cat really can’t be left alone at home. If you are going to be traveling for a long time and it is not possible to bring your sphynx with you, then you should leave it in a pet shop so that your Sphynx cat has friends. You can have a healthy Sphynx cat if you take care of it properly.

7 Brain Healthy Foods that Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

7 Brain Healthy Foods that Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the neurological diseases that has no cure until now. Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that makes people experiencing loss of memory, behavioral changes and cognitive decline. Many people don’t aware of the early stage symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease as they seem like common memory issues in everyday lives.

There is a growing evidence that food also plays a role in developing or preventing many illness. The study shows that good food is able to prevent not only heart problems, but also brain damage.

The research published in the journal of Alzheimer’s and Dementia shows that elderly people with ages between 58 to 98 who consume MIND diet had a 7.5 years younger functions of cognitive level.

7 Brain Healthy Foods that Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
7 Brain Healthy Foods that Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Brain Healthy Foods to Lower the Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease

  1. Berries

Studies have found that blueberries have the ability to protect the brain functions. Meanwhile, other type of berries fruit such as strawberries also shown possible great benefits to increase cognitive function. The MIND diet plans recommend people to serve berries at least two times a week.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are not only good for heart health but also for brain health. MIND diet research recommends people to regularly consume nuts which contain fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats. These substances are able to help people with high bad cholesterol to decrease the level and thus help in lowering the risk of heart disease.

It is advisable to consume nuts five times a week. Nuts can become your healthy brain snacks.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are very well – known for their high vitamins and healthy nutrients. Spinach, collards, kale, and broccoli are some of the green leafy vegetables that contain high level of vitamins, mineral and other healthy nutrients. Studies have found that consuming at least 6 servings a week can provide high benefits for brain.

7 Brain Healthy Foods that Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
7 Brain Healthy Foods that Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
  1. Every Vegetables

It is very recommended to consume other type of vegetables not only green leafy vegetables. Eating vegetable regularly is able to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The MIND diet plans suggest you to consume one vegetable or a salad every day.

  1. Fish

Brain function can be protected by consuming sufficient amount of fish at least once a week. This is recommended by MIND diet, but if you want to follow Mediterranean diet, then you have to consume fish almost every day in a week.

  1. Beans

Beans are healthy food that become part of MIND diet since they can help maintaining your mind sharp. Beans are rich in protein and fiber but have low level of fat and calories. It is very advisable to consume beans as your regular diet at least three times per week. Consuming sufficient amount of beans regularly can help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Olive Oil

Maybe it is now the right time for you to change your cooking oil into olive oil. Olive oil is rich of good nutrients that can protect brain cells from damage.

Things You Should Know to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

Things You Should Know to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Until now, researchers are still not sure about factor that causes Alzheimer’s disease. Age and family history are only several factors that known related to the increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Although the exact factor that triggers Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, it is better for you to know ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease from the early age.

Things You Should Know to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Things You Should Know to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
  1. Do Exercise Regularly

Research has found evidence that doing exercise regularly is able to reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, it is advisable to do physical exercise for about 30 minutes a day. If this recommendation is too difficult for you, just pick aerobic exercise that you can do for at least three to four day in a week.

Doing regular exercise is good not only for people who have not developed any symptoms toward Alzheimer’s disease, but also for those who have shown any symptoms. Being physically active also can make people socially active since most of the physical exercises have to be done outside. Thus, you can maintain an active social life when you go outside.

  1. Eat Healthy and Good Food

Eat healthy and good food is good not only for your heart, but also for your brain. Eating a healthy diet can help you prevent many degenerative illness. Now, it looks like that getting a good food is also able to prevent Alzheimer’s disease as well as reduce the symptoms for those who have developed the disease.

The evidence has shown that eating a good and natural food is able to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease for about a third. The probability of lowering Alzheimer’s disease risk is higher for those who follow MIND diet strictly.

Things You Should Know to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Things You Should Know to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
  1. Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

The recent evidence has shown strong correlation between an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease for people who have cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is very important for you to have healthy lifestyle which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as it will also lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Here  are some healthy lifestyles that contribute to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease:

  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Consuming balanced and healthy diet that includes five portions of vegetables and fruit
  • Do physical exercise at least 150 minutes every week that include aerobic activity
  • Control your blood pressure by taking health test regularly.
  1. Learn New Things

Although there is still not enough evidence about the correlation between learning new things with lowering the risk of dementia, but research has found that this activity is very beneficial to train your brain to think.

  1. Get Good Sleep

Good sleep talks about the quantity and the quality of your sleep. The evidence has shown that getting good quality and enough sleep is able to help people prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Otherwise, people who have good sleep have more amyloid clearance from their brain cells.

The Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease
Alister the Cat Jacob (Our Sweet Poodle) Our Alzheimer's Journey The House We Sold

The Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease has affected many people around the world, but scientists are not yet understanding the causal factors of this disease. Recently, we only know that the abnormal condition in the brain cells, called as amyloid and tau which are deposited around and within brain cells, leads to Alzheimer’s symptoms.

The Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease
The Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease

Here are several factors that can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease:

  1. Genetics and Family History

Genetics and family history have a role in increasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The risk will be higher for those who have close relative such as siblings and parents who experience Alzheimer. Although genetic factor is known as one of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists have not known the genetic mechanisms that cause the disease.

In some families, inheritance of a single gene is able to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It is better for those who have close relatives that developed Alzheimer, go to genetic counselling to get advice about the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Age

Although for about 10% of younger people are also at risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease. But the probability of developing Alzheimer’s increase as people grow older. Therefore, age factor is known as the biggest risk factor for the disease. However, research has shown that about 1 in 20 people who are under 65, have this disease.

The probability of developing Alzheimer’s symptoms will be doubled each five years after people have reached 65. But, since age is only one of the risk factors of developing Alzheimer’s disease, there are also many older people with age 90s still have good memories and never develop dementia.

This condition is related to the fact that as people grow older, the brain cells’ functions will decline which contribute to the neurons issues in the brain cells. The age – related changes in brain cells may cause inflammation, production of free radicals in brain cells, shrinking parts of the brain and so on.

The Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease
The Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease
  1. Head Injuries

Although this claim is still need further research, but in several cases, people who had experienced severe head injury are at higher risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease compare to those who never experienced several head trauma.

  1. Poor Sleep Condition

Research has shown that the issues of poor sleep condition might be correlated to the increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Poor sleep condition or patterns are such as the difficulty of staying asleep or falling asleep.

  1. Lifestyle Factors

Although this finding still needs further research, but in some cases. People with poor lifestyle have higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease rather than people with healthy lifestyle. Lack of exercise, smoking or regularly being exposed to smoke, and obesity are known as risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease.

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