Have you ever seen a cat that has no hair? Its wrinkled skin is clearly exposed? If you’ve ever seen one, it’s a sphynx cat! You will think the cat is having a skin disease or something like that, but in reality, it is not, the Sphynx cat is a breed of cat whose fur doesn’t grow at all. Actually, there are thin hairs that grow on the cat’s body, but the amount of the fur is very rare. If you observe, the sphynx cat’s body parts such as the legs, tail, and ears will be overgrown with these thin hairs.
With its hairless body condition, Sphynx cats have an oily skin type. The skin color is also different from one cat to the other, some are pink, brown or even gray. The oil contained in the skin is what causes this cat better be bathed frequently. Normally, cats are bathed once a month, but sphynx cats should be bathed every one to three weeks to keep their bodies clean.

Hearing the name Sphynx
you will think this cat came from Egypt. But you guess it wrong. Sphynx cat comes from Canada, although its name is taken from the Sphynx statue that we can find in Egypt. The sphynx cat’s skin, which is very rarely covered in hair, is the result of genetic condition. It started when a pair of short-haired cats gave birth to their furless cubs. Initially, the kitten was classified as having a genetic disorder and its breeding was stopped. But the birth of kittens with the same condition happened again.
The uniqueness of the Sphynx cat lies not only in its hairless skin, but it is also evident in the cat’s face and the ear shape. This cat’s face looks grim. While the shape of the ears is wide and longer than other cats in general. Additionally, the Sphynx cat has wide eyes. Even though their face has an expression that always shows their pride, a lot of cat lovers keep this cat as pets in their house.

The Sphynx cat is one of those friendly and attention-seeking cats. This trait makes it very easy to get along with humans and other animals. In fact, if you have a dog, you can also keep a sphynx cat at the same time. This cat will also actively play, so it is perfect for those of you who are looking for a reference for what pet you should have.
when you decide to have a sphynx cat, then you have to be prepared for its clingy nature. This cat really can’t be left alone at home. If you are going to be traveling for a long time and it is not possible to bring your sphynx with you, then you should leave it in a pet shop so that your Sphynx cat has friends. You can have a healthy Sphynx cat if you take care of it properly.